French Press
If you're looking for an easy and reliable way to make coffee, the French Press is here to save the day! Its simple design delivers delicious results every time. Whether you’re hosting a brunch or just treating yourself, the French Press is perfect for whipping up multiple cups of rich, heavy-bodied coffee.

Brew Time:
4 Minutes
Coffee Essentials:
8 Cup French Press
56g (8 tablespoons) of coffee
Hot water just off the boil (approximately 205°F)
Stir stick
Your favorite Mug
8 Cup French Press
56g (8 tablespoons) of coffee
Hot water just off the boil (approximately 205°F)
Stir stick
Your favorite Mug
Heat Things Up
Start by giving your empty French Press a little warm-up! Rinse it with some hot water to keep everything nice and cozy while your coffee brews. It helps with extraction and keeps your coffee at the perfect temperature.
Weigh and Grind
Next, measure out 56g of coffee—about 8 tablespoons. Grind it to a coarse texture, similar to breadcrumbs. This is where the magic begins!
Add Water
Add Water
Once your French Press is warm, toss out that hot water and add the coffee grounds. Start your timer the moment you pour in the hot water. Fill it halfway, making sure all those grounds are nicely saturated. No dry spots, please!
Get Things Moving
Get Things Moving
When your timer hits 1:00, grab a wooden spoon or spatula and gently break the crust that forms on top. Using wood is a good idea to avoid any accidents with the glass. Give it a nice stir and breathe in those amazing aromas!
Add More Water
Add More Water
Now, fill the French Press all the way to the top with hot water. Put the lid on, but don’t press down just yet. Let it brew and work its magic.
When the clock strikes 4:00, it’s time to press! Firmly push the plunger down and watch your coffee transform.
Pour the coffee into a carafe right away to keep it from getting bitter. Remember, no one likes a bitter cup! For an easy cleanup, add a bit of water to the grounds, swirl it around, and then toss it in the trash or compost bin. Voilà! Enjoy your delicious brew!